Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Case Management Redesign

Case Management Redesign refers to several initiatives that will help make accessing long-term services and supports easier by changing case management agencies to serve all HCBS waivers so people have one place to go, making sure there is the right number of case management agencies in Colorado, and increasing the quality of case management services.

Spring into Awareness - IDD Awareness Month wrap up April 4, 2022


Fairfield-Denver West /Federal Center, the West Metro Chamber and DDRC, were pleased to partner to host Spring into Awareness, a gathering to wrap up IDD  Awareness Month in March and to celebrate diversity and inclusion for people of all abilities, including through employment.

A brief video of Fairfield, their team, and their commitment to diversity in employment, along with DDRC, showcased inclusive employment.  An art show by artists served by DDRC beautifully illustrated themes of self-advocacy and the aspirations of the artists. The three host organizations spoke about their work to create a vibrant community. Local Jeffco businesses Flights Wine Café, Wahoo’s, Ballmer Peak Distillery, Crimson Cat Studios, and Shaklee (Susan Firmin) generously supported the event with donations of drink, food and door prizes. It was a fun and meaningful evening, and pictures from the night are shared below.   See the video: Inclusive Employment Works -Fairfield and DDRC.