Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Case Management Redesign

Case Management Redesign refers to several initiatives that will help make accessing long-term services and supports easier by changing case management agencies to serve all HCBS waivers so people have one place to go, making sure there is the right number of case management agencies in Colorado, and increasing the quality of case management services.

Town Halls May 2 and 14 about CM TransitionApril 18, 2024

 Case Management Transition Town Halls May 2 and May 14,  2024

Attention families, guardians and individuals in Jefferson and Clear Creek Counties currently receiving case management and resource coordination from DDRC for all Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities HCBS Waivers, State Supported Living Services and Family Support Services. Mark your calendars to join a town hall discussion on the future of case management for Home and Community-Based Services hosted by the new Case Management Agency, Jefferson County Human Services, along with DDRC. Please come prepared to share questions or concerns you may have, as your feedback is important to us and we want to make sure we address your needs.

 The town hall will be held twice and both sessions will offer in-person and virtual attendance options.

Ø  Registration is required for the virtual (Zoom/webinar) option. The link will be sent to you.

Ø  Registration is not required for in-person but is encouraged to assist us in planning.

Ø  If you plan to attend in-person but later decide to do the virtual Zoom option, you will need to register to get the link.

Ø  If you need to request any special accommodations, please do so in advance, and request that in your registration, or contact us.

 The dates, times and locations of the town halls are:

Thursday, May 2 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Jefferson County Courts & Admin Building, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden Co 8401

Tuesday, May 14 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at DDRC, 11177 W. 8th Ave, Lakewood 80215

REGISTER: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RQDRTTK

NOTE: For individuals and families in Summit and Gilpin Counties, DDRC will be providing additional information about case management transitions later this spring.