Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Board Information and How to Apply for Candidacy


Our mission is to create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to participate fully in the community.


Quality, Dignity and Choice

Vision Statement

  • DDRC provides easy access to person-centered, quality services and supports.
  • DDRC is a leader in providing a quality work environment.
  • DDRC partners with our community to increase participation and expand opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • DDRC inspires the citizens of Colorado to welcome people with disabilities in all areas of life.


DDRC provides resources to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families for their entire life span in Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Summit Counties. Services and resources are designed to provide positive choices, individualized to enhance quality of life and help people help themselves.

DDRC offers a comprehensive variety of services, including:

DDRC Board Responsibilities

  • DDRC’s mission and purpose
  • Select the Executive Director
  • Provide ongoing support and guidance for the Executive Director; review his/her performance
  • Ensure effective organizational planning
  • Ensure adequate resources
  • Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight
  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity
  • Monitor and strengthen programs and services
  • Enhance the organization’s public image

Board Composition

The Board consists of no fewer than 5 and no more than 17 that can include family memebers, guardians, individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability and community representatives.

To see additional information on Board composition as outlined in the bylaws, review the DDRC bylaws.

Time Commitment

The Board meets 10 times a year typically on the 4th Wednesday evening of the month (excluding July and November). The meetings usually run from 5:30 p.m.to 7:30 p.m. with an opportunity for a light dinner and networking between 5:00 to 5:30. Board members are also assigned roles on committees, which meet monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly depending on the committee. Board members are also asked to make a financial contribution annualy to DDRC at a level that is meaningful to them.

The Selection Process

Applicants will be notified of receipt of application. DDRC's Board Governance Committee will review and consider each application received The Governance Committee may request further information or conduct interviews to discuss interest, skill sets, time commitment and responsibilities. Staff Members of DDRC and employees and Board members of service agencies may not serve on the DDRC Board of Directors.

To Submit an Application

Prior to consideration of nomination for Elected Directors, an interested candidate must complete the online candidate application and attend a Board meeting as a visitor to see how the Board operates. If you are still interested, access the application to submit it online. Hard copies of the application are available on request. Contact Annette Rogers, Executive Assistant, at annette.rogers@ddrcco.com. You can also call Annette at 303-462-6508 with questions or for further information.

Access Board Application

Page Last Updated: 2024-10-04