Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Early Intervention Services


DDRC provides Early Intervention services in Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Summit Counties in Colorado. Early Intervention services are for infants, toddlers, and families. These services are designed to promote development and learning. Early Intervention also helps families support a child's well-being.

DDRC also provides multidisciplinary evaluations within Jefferson, Clear Creek, Summit and Gilpin counties to determine eligibility for EI services, as defined in the state and federal statutes, regulations, and procedures. To schedule an evaluation, please contact eireferrals@ddrcco.com

A child may be automatically eligible for Early Intervention services if he or she has a diagnosis with a high probability of resulting in a significant developmental delay as determined by a panel of physicians. All diagnoses are reviewed and approved by a panel and Early intervention Colorado maintains the database of all diagnosed conditions.

We Believe

Happy Family, Photo Credit: Simona Balint
  • Families are the most important resource that can be used to enhance a child's development.
  • Early intervention services are designed to promote development and enhance the capacity of families to support their child's well-being.
  • Services need to happen in a child's natural environment, and within their daily routines and activities.
  • A critical window for development is during the first three years of a child's life. Therefore, the earlier the services are provided in a child's life, the greater the impact these services and supports can have.

Getting Started with Early Intervention

Children's Playing Blocks
  • Call DDRC at 303-462-6619 or send an email to us at eireferral@ddrcco.com. The intake person can answer your questions and provide you with next steps as appropriate.
  • If appropriate your child will be evaluated by a child find assessment team, to determine whether he/she meets eligibility criteria for early intervention services.
  • If your child is found to be eligible for Early Intervention Colorado/Part C services, a DDRC service coordinator will assist you through the process of writing an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and start the services, as outlined in the plan.
  • For more information on what you can expect during this process you can visit the Early Intervention Colorado website or call your service coordinator.

Case Management

GO4IT in Early Intervention – What Is It???

GO4IT in Colorado’s Early Intervention (EI) Program stands for Global Outcomes for Infants and Toddlers. It combines the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) with the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) document. There are three Child Outcomes EI Colorado measures, which are also referred to as Global Outcomes. These measures are looked at for all children who are eligible for EI services and are used while a child is in EI. The measures compare how your child is functioning (at home and in the community) compared to other children his/her age (across the US). The three Child/Global outcomes measure how your child:

  1. Relates to others
  2. Learns new things
  3. Gets their needs met

If your child is eligible for Early Intervention, your service coordinator and IFSP team will be discussing this information more with you. In addition, there are several resources available to you if you are interested in learning more about GO4IT on your own. Click any of the links below or go directly to the Early Intervention Colorado website at www.eicolorado.org.

EI Colorado – What Are the Three Child (Global) and Three Family Outcome Measurements?

Decision Tree – used to determine how each child is functioning in the Three Child Outcomes compared to other children their age

EI Colorado Global Outcomes Family Worksheet – the page of the IFSP that documents how your child is functioning in each of the Three Child Outcomes

Entire GO4IT IFSP in English

Entire GO4IT IFSP in Spanish

Page Last Updated: 2023-12-04