Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Case Management Redesign

Case Management Redesign refers to several initiatives that will help make accessing long-term services and supports easier by changing case management agencies to serve all HCBS waivers so people have one place to go, making sure there is the right number of case management agencies in Colorado, and increasing the quality of case management services.

COVID Guidelines in Group Residential Homes - UpdateMay 3, 2021


Update on COVID Guidelines in Group Residential Homes 
DDRC continues to be vigilant in following COVID-19 health and safety protocols. We recently received guidance from the state relating to residential group homes, and we thank you for your cooperation with these protocols. The guidance specifies that:
  • Indoor and outdoor visits are allowed.
  • Visitors must be 18 years or older.
  • Number of visitors per resident, duration of visits and simultaneous visitors at each site should be limited. DDRC will implement this by allowing 1 visitor at a time, with a 45-minute visit.
  • Visitors must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose for the duration of their visit, whether inside or out, must sanitize their hands upon entry, pass a symptom screening and provide contact information for contact tracing. Masks with exhalation valves are prohibited.
  • If both resident and visitor are fully vaccinated, they may have physical contact, otherwise distancing of 6 ft. is required.
  • Group home staff, regardless of vaccinations, must wear a medical "ear loop" mask (not cloth) covering mouth and nose.

We are assessing additional changes to guidelines regarding return to work, quarantine for fully vaccinated staff and service recipients, and a phase-in plan for expansion of day services, and will communicate those in the ensuing weeks.