Unmet Needs Application

Contact Information

Waiver Information

Paramater 1: Disability/Overall Care Needs:

Mobility Needs:

Medical/Nursing Care Needs:

Transportation Needs:

Supervision Needs:

Perimiter 2: Behavior:

Impact of the Behavior

Communication Needs:

Paramater 3: Family Composition & Stability:

Please mark the box that best represents your family/living situation.

Additional Comments:

Funding Needs:

JeffCo Unmet Needs Funding is to provide short-term financial support when you are experiencing costs not covered under any other alternative funding sources (i.e Medicaid, FSSP, etc.). These costs are above normal daily living expenses. We ask that after a request is approved, you work towards identifying other resources available for any ongoing, long-term support needs.

Funding Specifics:

What items or services are you requesting funds for? Please note specifics if you have a program or provider in mind.

Grand Total

Funding Limits:

DDRC reserves the right to limit the number of requests and total amount of dollars received in a fiscal year (FY24-25). Individuals are limited to 3 requests total each FY and a total maximum amount received of $2500, regardless of the number of requests. Funds must be used within the FY received July 1st, 2024 – June 30th, 2025.

Contact Information