Case Management Redesign refers to several initiatives that will help make accessing long-term services and supports easier by changing case management agencies to serve all HCBS waivers so people have one place to go, making sure there is the right number of case management agencies in Colorado, and increasing the quality of case management services.
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- Town Halls May 2 and 14 about CM Transition
- HCPF Statement on Case Management Challenges March 2024
- Case Management Agency Director Named
- Case Management Redesign Update OCT 2023
- Case Management Redesign Update Sept 1 2023
- Case Management Redesign Update July 17 2023
- Case Management Redesign Update June 2023
- Case Management Redesign UPDATE May 2023
- Case Management Redesign
- Foundation Board Member Commitment Plays in Many Acts
- Masons Make a Difference
Disability Employment Awareness Month and Preston Story October 1, 2021
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). It’s a time to celebrate successes in integrated employment and what people of all abilities have to offer in the workforce. Over the years, people have been working to change systems, change laws and change attitudes. We are proud that DDRC and our Employment Services have been a part of this movement.
Preston at work at Advance Auto Parts |
Preston’s Employment
Pursuing one’s passion
and finding job fulfillment is not some faraway dream, not when you show
openness and have support. It worked out for Preston, thanks to his interest and
willingness to explore change and the support he received from DDRC’s
Employment Services and Employment Specialist Andera Samuelson.
Preston worked for six years on a DDRC janitorial crew comprised of people with developmental disabilities. At the time, Preston considered this the maximum contribution he would make to the workforce. When COVID emerged, the segregated crew that Preston worked on was temporarily halted, but that disruption became a catalyst for change. Rather than reopening the crew when the situation was more manageable, it was clear that the right course of action was to work with each employee to understand their unique work goals and path forward. It was a time to put integrated employment into full practice.
Preston began working with Andrea to explore his interests and the strengths he brings to the workforce. As part of that discovery and job development process, it became apparent that Preston has a passion for automobiles. When Andrea took Preston to Advance Auto Parts, he lit up immediately and started educating her about all the auto parts! This was the spark she was looking for, the clue that this could be a career that Preston loves. With Andrea's support, Preston pursued a Parts Salesperson position and accepted a job offer with Advance Auto Parts.
Advance Auto Parts recognized the
importance of working with Preston like any other employee on their team and
have naturally built their relationship with Preston so that Andrea’s
involvement can be limited to what Preston will truly benefit
from. Advance Auto Parts is emphasizing their diversity, equity and
inclusion efforts and is working to engage employees with disabilities in their
If you’re looking to hire a qualified candidate or are a person with a developmental disability wondering about career opportunities that are right for you, reach out to DDRC’s Employment Services at 720.544.8114, or call DDRC’s Case Management at 303.233.3363 for suggestions to get started.