Our Mission: Create Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families to Participate Fully in the Community

Family Caregiver Model

Individuals and their families now have more choice about where their services are delivered and more control over who can deliver those services. On November 1, 2010, the Division for Developmental Disabilities (DDD) notified stakeholders that the long awaited Family Caregiver model was available to qualified applicants. This option is now open for individuals enrolled in all developmental disability waivers (CES, SLS and HCBS-DD/Comprehensive) and state general funded SLS (State SLS) and allows services to be delivered by family members in the family home or other community based settings.

The intent of this new model is to provide greater service flexibility and expand provider choice and living options. As with all service choices, consideration is first given to the wishes of the individual. Services must also meet the person's needs as identified by the interdisciplinary team (IDT) and meet the definition of least restrictive environment. Family members interested in this model will have the same training and monitoring requirements as other service providers. Legally responsible family members (parent of a minor child or an individual's spouse) cannot be a paid provider for their family member under Family Caregiver.

Family caregivers can be reimbursed for services provided to their family member in two ways. A family member can be hired as a care provider by a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA) and must meet the same requirements as other employees. Family members may also explore becoming an independent contractor if they meet IRS independent contractor criteria.

Additional Caregiver Documentation

Page Last Updated: 2017-09-27